Wednesday, December 02, 2009


I've been listening to a lot of music the past few days and heard a new song today on KLove. I guess it's a Christmas song, but I have never heard it. It touched me in this time. Yes, I do know it's about Mary and all, but the chorus really got me. And who does not need help in their daily walk?

Breath of Heaven

I have traveled-Many moonless nights-Cold and weary-With a babe inside-And I wonder-What I've done-Holy Father-You have come-And chosen me now-To carry your son

I am waiting-In a silent prayer-I am frightened-By the load I bear-In a world as cold as stone-Must I walk this path alone-Be with me now-Be with me now

Breath of Heaven-Hold me together-Be forever near me-Breath of Heaven
Breath of Heaven-Light in my darkness-Pour over me your holiness-For you're holy
Breath of Heaven

Do you wonder-As you watch my face-If a wiser one-Should have had my place-But I offer all I am-For the mercy of your plan-Help me be strong-Help me be-Help me

Breath of Heaven-Light in my darkness-Pour over me your holiness-For you're holy
Breath of Heaven