Friday, August 05, 2005

Our 20wk Appt

Well of course we had been waiting in anticipation for our 20week appointment, where we would learn the gender of our lil Butterball. Everyone else has been waiting too. Let's see. Everyone knows Rachel REALLY wants a boy, and Grandma Lina wants a girl, I honestly didn't care wither way, but I know Rach would be crushed if she didn't get a boy. Not that she wouldn't fall in love with a girl as soon as or even before it was born, because she ultimately wants at least one of each.

Well we go to the appt and the Dr. is showing us everything and doing the measurements. We brought a tape in so he was able to tape it as well. Well he shows up the head, and a thigh bone, and the abdomen. The baby measured a little smaller then 20weeks, but the Dr. said it's nothing to worry about. He finally gets down to the legs and says it's...a...Boy! I tried to reach for Rachel's hand because I know she must be excited.

I asked her later if she was and she said "I was so excited I wanted to scream" instead she just smiled. Our friend Matt says she's a real stud because she can do home insem and still get a boy. lol.

Now we're able to get more clothes and finish setting up the nursery.